1. Notification by prehospital personnel
airway patency
pulse & respiration
level of consciousness
mechanism of injury & blood loss at the scine
2. preparation for receiving the trauma victim
assign tasks to team members
check & prepare vital equipment
summon surgical consultant & other team members not present
3. primary survey
1) airway
clear airway : chin lift, suction, finger sweep
protect airway :
depressed level of consciousness or bleeding,
tracheal intubation without neck movement
surgical airway
very agitated trauma patient :
paralyzing agent ( succinylcholine or midazolam or vecuronium bromide)
with a small dose of diazepam or midazolam
emergency brain CT에 필수지만 neurologic evaluation에 장해
2) breathing
ventilate with 100% O2
check thorax and neck
deviated trachea
tension pneumothrax ( intervention - needle decompression )
chest wounds & chest wall motion
sucking chest wound ( intervention - occlusive dressing )
neck & chest crepitation
multiple broken ribs
fractured sternum
listen for breath sounds
correct tracheal tube placement ?
hemopneumothorax ?
chest tube - 38 F : 1500 - 2000 ml blood가 나올때에는
thoracotomy의 Ix.
collect blood for autotransfusion
3) circulation
apply pressure to sites of external bleeding
assure that two large - bore IVs established
begin with rapid infusion of warm erystalloid solution ( 2 L )
if arm sites unavailable insert a large central line or perform
a saphenous cutdown at the ankle
assess for blood volume status
radial & carotid pulse, BP determination
jugular venous filling
quality of heart tones
만일 radial pulse 가 촉지된다면 최소한 80 mmHg 임을 알 수 있다.
Beck's triad present ? ( low BP, ↑venous pressure, muffled heart sound )
: cardiac tamponade 의심
Beck's triad positive 이고
tension pneumothorax 배제되고
rapid volume infusion 에 반응이 없는 환자에게는
pericardiocentesis를 시행해 볼수 있다.
after 2 L of crystalloid begin blood infusion if still hypovolemic :
chidren - use two 20 ml /kg
then 10 ml /kg blood boluses if still unstable
near term pregnant pt - place roll under right hip
4) disability
brief neurological examination
pupil size & reactivity
limb movement
5) continuing resuscitation
moniter fluid administration
consider central line for CVP monitoring :
large volume infusion 할때에는 반드시 CVP monitor.
use fetal heart rate as indicator in pregnant women
record all events : vol, fluid, BP, PR, CVP, U/O, gastric suction vol.
neurologic status
4. secondary survey : a thorough search for injuries is carried out in order to
set further priorities
trauma series X-ray : lateral cervical spine, supine chest, AP pelvis
head-to-toe examination looking & feeling : quickly breng problems
scalp wound bleeding controlled with Rancy clips
facial stability
epistaxis tamponaded with balloons if severe
avulsed teeth, broken jaw
penetrating injuries
abdominal distension & tenderness
pelvic stability
perineal laceration / hematoma
urethral meatus blood
rectal examination for tone, blood, & prostate position
bimanual vaginal examination
peripheral pulses
deformities, open fractures
reflexes, sensation
large gastric tube ( 32F )
* facial trauma : basilar skull Fx. 위험성--> mouth로 insertion 한다.
foley catheter inserted
blood in urethra
rectal exam상 prostate의 위치의 이상이 있을때에는
urethra 의 손상을 의미하기 때문에 foley catheter insert 하지 않는다.
pregnancy test
deflate the MAST sequentially beginning with the abdominal
MAST의 압력은 100mmHg으로 하되 2-3 시간이 지나면 skin의 necrosis를
방지하기 위하여 20-30 mmHg 정도의 감압이필요하다
portion if the BP is near normal :
5-10 min 이상의 shock : bicarbonate therapy를 생각해 볼 수있다.
log-roll the pt to feel & see the back, flanks, & buttocks
splint unstable fx / dislocations
assure that tetanus prophylaxis is given
consult with surgeon regarding further tests or immediate need for surgery or
preferred IV medications : consider
emergency thoracotomy to provide aortic compression or cross- clamping
aortogram or upright chest x-ray to r/o ruptured aorta
cystogram if pelvic fracture present or blood in urine
IVP or cnhanced CT scan of the abdomen
diagnostic peritoneal lavage : open or closed
head CT scan
IV mannitol for neurologic decompensation
IV steroids for possible ruptured abdominal vescus
IV antibiotics for possible ruptured abdominal viscus
IV antibiotics for perineal, vaginal, or rectal laceration
pelvic arteriogram and embolization for pelvic hemorrhage